姓名王海英 性别:女 职称:讲师
学历:博士研究生 邮箱:why.375@163.com
2001.9-2005.7 河北农业大学 本科
2007.9-2010.7 中国林业科学研究院 硕士
2012.9-2017.7 中国林业科学研究院 博士
2017年9月至今 昆明学院 农学与生命科学学院 讲师
(2)云南省地方本科高校(部分)基础研究联合专项资金面上项目, microRNA调控五倍子发育的分子基础,2018/07-2021/06,10万,主持
(3)国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370651,角倍蚜虫Schlechtendalia chinensis瘿内世代蜜露分解途径及与寄主植物之间互利关系研究,2014/01-2017/12,80万元,参加
[1] Haiying Wang, Kai Cui, Shuxia Shao, Juan Liu, Hang Chen, Chao Wang, Haixia Wu, Zixiang Yang, Qin Lu, Kirst King-Jones, Xiaoming Chen*. Molecular response of gall induction by aphid Schlechtendalia chlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) attack on Rhus chinensis Mill. Journal of Plant Interactions, 2017, 12(1): 465-479
[2] Haiying Wang, Juan Liu, Kai Cui, Hang Chen, Zixiang Yang, Haixia Wu, Shuxia Shao, Kirst King-Jones, Xiaoming Chen*. Gibberellic acid is selectively downregulated in response to aphid-induced gall formation. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38(9): 214.
[3] Haiying Wang, Kai Cui, Caiyun He, Yanfei Zeng, Shengxi Liao, Jianguo Zhang*. Endogenous hormonal equilibrium linked to bamboo culm development. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14(3): 11312-11323 (Co-first author)
[4] Kai Cui, Haiying Wang, Caiyun He, Di Sun, Junpei Zhang, Shengxi Liao*, Yongzhong Cui, Li Li. Analysis of culm elongation in photoheterotrophic status of Dendrocalamus sinicus by comparative proteomics. Trees, 2017, 31(2): 687-704
[5] Kai Cui, Haiying Wang, Shengxi Liao*, Qi Tang, Li Li, Yongzhong Cui, Yuan He. Transcriptome Sequencing and Analysis for Culm Elongation of the World’s Largest Bamboo (Dendrocalamus sinicus). PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(6): e0157362
[6] Junpei Zhang, Haiying Wang, Shengxi Liao, Kai Cui *,Appropriate ultra-low seed moisture content stabilizes the seed longevity of Calocedrus macrolepis, associated with changes in endogenous hormones, antioxidant enzymes, soluble sugars and unsaturated fatty acids , New Forests, 2018, 43(1): 1~14